
What is Diabetes? Ayurvedic Treatments For Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic health disease occurring when the blood glucose level increases in the body.

Pancreas release a hormone- Insulin. It sends the glucose from the blood to the cells.

When the insulin doesn’t send glucose to cells, it remains in the blood. Thus, increasing the glucose level in the blood.

Diabetes contributes to additional health issues, including, but not limited to, heart attack, kidney failure, vision loss, nerve damage, dental issues, and foot issues.

What Are the Types of Diabetes?

Diabetes is of three main categories; Type1, Type2, and Gestational.

  • Type1

According to Ayurveda, type1 diabetes occurs because of an imbalance of Vata.

People with the autoimmune condition suffer from type1 diabetes. In autoimmune conditions, the body attacks the beta cells in the pancreas.

As a result, it hinders insulin production.

  • Type2

In Ayurveda, type2 diabetes is referred to as excess of Kapha dosha.

Amongst the people suffering from diabetes, 90% have type2. The body is not able to utilize the secreted insulin effectively.

Thus the amount of insulin in the body increases. The pancreas stops producing any more insulin, hampering the blood glucose level.

  • Gestational

Gestational diabetes is not common and only pregnant women suffer from it. However, it puts the child in danger of many health issues.

It is a possibility that the child might suffer from diabetes when born.

Gestational diabetes does go away after the pregnancy but puts the mother at risk of type2 diabetes.

Treatment of Diabetes With Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, Prameha (diabetes mellitus) is of 20 forms. Prameha occurs because of dushyas in which four are Vata, six are Pitta, and ten are Kapha related.

Saheja Prameha, Jatah Pramehi refers to type1 diabetes. Apathyanimittaja Prameha is type2 diabetes, whereas Vataja Prameha is the terminal stage of diabetes.

Now you know how diabetes is viewed in Ayurveda. Now let us look at some of the Ayurveda treatments for diabetes.

  • Herbs

Ayurveda does not go too far to treat injuries and allergies. It believes the herbs and spices in our kitchen are the best remedies.

However, each spice has its value and benefits. Some of the herbs and spices helpful in curing diabetes are:

  • Black Bitumen (Shilajit)
  • Turmeric (Haldi)
  • Indian lilac (Neem)
  • Coccinia Indica (Ivy gourd)
  • Indian gooseberry (Amalaki)
  • Triphala
  • Bitter gourd
  • Rose apple
  • Bilva leaves
  • Cinnamon
  • Gymnema
  • Fenugreek
  • Bay leaf
  • Aloe Vera

You can also create a herbal mix of Guduchi, Kudki, Shardunika, and Punarnava. Add this mixture to warm water and consume it twice or thrice a day.

  • Yoga

No matter, if you are suffering from diabetes or not, yoga is always beneficial for the body.

It reduces stress, maintains mental overall mental health, and reduces obesity. Pranayama and Surya Namaskar are doctor-recommended all-time favorites.

Besides these you can try Vajrasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, and Dhanurasana.

  • Food

Eating a healthy diet is important to maintain good health and avoid diabetes. During diabetes, the food palette should be bitter and astringent.

The diet should have a higher amount of fruits and vegetables. It is also advisable to eat smaller portions of diet, 6-7 times a day. This would help the Agni (digestive system) to work better.

If available, add Jamun to your diet. It is known to reduce blood sugar levels and increase insulin production.

Lastly, avoid any dairy products. They are rich in fats and can increase blood glucose levels. Instead, you can drink soy milk and almond milk.

Final Thoughts

Diabetes is preventable if detected at an early stage. However, 8 out of 10 people cannot judge the symptoms of diabetes.

This article sheds light on how ayurvedic treatments can cure diabetes and how Ayurveda provides a variety of healthcare measures for managing diabetes.

If you need any advice on ayurvedic treatments for diabetes, turn to Dr. Jogesh Passi. He is one of the leading ayurvedic specialists in Punjab.